Leider Acoustics is a boutique audio consulting firm that specializes in tackling the most complex audio-related projects, including acoustical consulting and design, forensic audio, noise abatement, acoustic testing and measurement, expert witness services, patent claim construction and evaluation, agile-informed software development, and sound quality assessment.
Colby Leider is President at Leider Acoustics. Currently, he is also Lead Audio and Speech Engineer at Magic Leap. He is passionately devoted to both engineering and music, and still cannot figure out which of the two is more fun. The magic happens somewhere in the middle.
Previously, Colby was associate professor and program director of the Music Engineering Technology Program (MuE), in the Department of Music Business & Entertainment Industries at the University of Miami Frost School of Music. He is associate editor of Computer Music Journal and works as a consultant in patent-infringement cases involving audio and new media technologies. He holds degrees from Princeton University, Dartmouth College, and the University of Texas at Austin.
Colby is an expert in digital audio signal processing, sound synthesis and spatialization, tuning systems, and alternate controllers for music-making, and he has received grants from the National Science Foundation, the NVIDIA Corporation, and the University of Miami. Leider also chaired the 30th Annual International Computer Music Conference.
Additionally, Colby composes music, builds musical instruments, and teaches courses in music technology. He is president-founder of Everglade Records, a non-profit record label devoted to experimental music and acoustic documentary, and has received prizes and honors from the American Composers Forum, the Institut International de Musique Electroacoustique de Bourges, Princeton University, and the International Computer Music Association. He has composed music for Nash Ensemble of London, Paul Hillier and the Theatre of Voices, New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, Bertram Turetzky, Gregory Beyer and William Schimmel. His book Digital Audio Workstation was published by McGraw-Hill.